воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.
All those dates
You have your family and you have people you care about and people that care about you. You have those people and you have to show them you love them and remember about them and appreciate them. I am talking about all those special dates when people were born and when they got married and when they had something special and all those holidays and so on and so forth. And in order not to hurt them and in order not to make them believe you don’t care about them, you have to keep all those dates in your mind and you have to greet each person f your family with a special day or something. You know, it is a disaster when you have to remember all those dates and at the same time you have not to forget about greetings and presents and congratulations and so on and so forth. A single mistake will turn you into a minster and into an egoistic creature that cares about no one but him or herself. And you will have to hear a lot and so it is better and easier not to forget than to explain why you had.