среда, 15 апреля 2009 г.

How to blend a family successful

A new trend has hit families all over the globe and it is called the blended family. A blended family is when two people with their own children from a previous relationship form a new relationship. Both partners join their families together and form a new family. These blended families can bring a lot of joy as well as problems especially for your children. The good part is that children who are from broken homes due to divorce are given a chance to belong to a family with two parents.

There are of course obstacles when a blended family is created. Who makes the rules? Are all children treated equally and who gets to discipline? There is nothing easy when it comes to children in general but things are even more difficult when it comes to raising children in a blended family.

The good news is that a family can be blended successfully. This is best achieved by parents realising that in order to do a proper blend, they will have to work together. This means to forget about the family they previously had with its structures and rules and create a new household with its own attributes and do it together.